Hey, hey, hey! I'm back!
Yeayyyyyy okay sorry for taking such a long time m(_ _)m
So, I just go on with the continuation of this journey thingy~
Semester 3!
And I was a senior at the time as there were new-cute-little-juniors just came in as we entered the third semester.
Hahaha just kidding~
It doesn't feel like that at all.
Everyone just look the same...well, except for some nerd-ness here and there.
Normal thing.
Oh ya! I became the class representative on this semester.
The reason? I've no idea. Could it be because I can be 'relied' on? Mehhhh.....
I bet it just an escape for the others to be out of the 'copying papers for the whole class' job.
Some really did pay, some paid tooo late.
Still, I asked for money for the copying and that's all I care.
I'll be rude when you are rude to me. That's it.
This semester also, I met many amazing lecturers that should have been teaching us since the 2nd semester! Well, fate sometimes makes you be a patient person.
It worth everything.
Third semester was the start of my meeting with this particular person that makes me question a lot about trust, evaluation and judgement.
Everything actually goes on my way....or not.
Some REALLY did avoid that person, and some could even care less.
Well, for me, being a professional means that you can ACT according to the correct TPO.
Time, Place and Occasion.
I think I did a good job on that.
All human beings have their own switch; ON and OFF. That is professionalism.
Some of my classmates ; they're suck in that. I agree 100%.
Don't be in that kind of group, please!
Don't judge people too much that you actually put yourself in their life.
Don't be too 'emotional' in expressing your hatred-ness, allergy-ness or whatsoever.
Don't make up STUPID stories so that you get people to follow you.
No one actually respect someone for stomping on another person's life.
Please, just DON'T !
Semester 3 taught me more on choosing which to filter, which to throw away, which to be accepted, and which to be trusted.
You'll realize that someone can actually bring so different kind of lives they had before.
And learn something from that.
Some bonus incident that happened in my 3rd semester!
I had to meet the Director of Education; asking for a signature to allow me to change the name of my subject that I accidentally clicked on different name (It was the same subject, just in different language).
Guess what? He was a nice person.
He 'accidentally' taught me one new thing.
The college system....not that trust-able. *snicker sound here*
So! Here's the fourth semester!!!
Yasss! Just another year! Lalalalala~
Oh my goodness.., it was first-grade of doom-ness.
We had two; TWO subjects that need to be evaluated based on the result of the happening day.
Business stall.
Oh myyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!
For the drama, we had, like about 3 or 4 classes to learn a bit about drama stuff, and did some mini-drama, then we're off to evening/night drama project.
The drama was decided on 11th of April, from 6pm.
We really work our butts off for 2 months plus!
The props we did on evening/night was so hard, with some troubles and all,
for me, it was on transportation.
I was going back-forth from my house to college using the public transport...
so on some days, I had to ask for permission from the Head Props to go home early.
Of course, I never skipped from the works, even a day.
It just I worked whether from evening to night (as I don't want to waste my time to go back home first and then had to come back blueghhh nooo!), or I just stayed until evening time.
Usually, it was because I had no transport for the night that I stayed the evening but not the night time.
Fortunately, I knew the Head Props since 2nd semester, and I was not being rude as to skip or late for the meeting whatsoever, I usually got smooth green light for my cannot-be-help-absent.
Sadly, some actually dared to do some action that so not acceptable in students' life, but they still did it.
And it was horrible to see the frustrated faces of the higher board members (as the Director, Assistant Director, Head Props, Head Make-up/Costumes, etc) when some did such things to the Drama Production Group.
With all the waves, tidal, storm, tears, sweat, and blood,
we managed to perform our best for our drama.
It was amazing!
It was satisfying!
It was superb!
It was relieving!
We did all the best, and we were proud of all of it.
Few audiences said that our story had no humor in it.
Well, that's not our fault. We never said it was a humor one.
Few audiences said our story was so boring.
Well, they cannot handle our 'powerful English' terms maybe.
Few audiences said our story was complicated for our age, but we performed it very well.
Well, some audiences, like our lecturers were very intelligent and smart that we just laughed shyly with some grateful tears-accepting the wise comment.
For the business stall; or should I say Entrepreneurship subject (I always spell that word wrong!),
we were so not into it.
We have no interest in it at all!
Mainly the reason,
we HATE counting numbers! (No offense to Math lovers! Please~!)
Most of us don't have a good memory with numbers, so no one actually motivated to do the real stall.
We had to sell things! Real things!!
We started from learning certain business terms, doing the proposal to sell this and this product, searching for places to open our stall, bla bla bla...
Of course, all this were just creation. We don't really have to open up a REAL store for that.
It just like a one-day-simulation-for-doing-business-stall. Something like that.
And, that's our marks got evaluated from.
Of course, we enjoyed doing our business!
It felt like 'I am businesswoman now!' and got busy with the other 'business' members.
Haha, what a memory!
It was very hard.
So hard...
Sighhhh....So glad it's all done.
Again, I learnt a looooooooooooooooooooooooooot of things.
So many things that I actually wish to delete some of it too huhuuuu
We experience a new feelings of completing something with projects.
Drama project, Business project.
We also met a new kind of behaviour from unexpected person we knew will never do,
and we heard too much gossip on the way to the end of our second year.
All went well, though...
I guess..
It was tough, rough, hard, rock...all that goes with it.
We were so glad we did our 4th and 5th semesters very well.
We hoped that our batch- or should I just narrowed it down - our class would not be something bad to be remembered with.
A couple of person might be, but still.
So long, 2nd year~
I've been too much in your care huhu
Dani deshita~
All of the cute emoticons are not mine. I do not own any of it.
Thanks to http://cuteemoticon.blogspot.my/ for the cute and amazing emoticons! They're amazing!!
*I am now registering for degree.*
*Waku waku suru neee~~*