Sunday, May 1, 2011

[Diary; 5 years ago] Was that the 'real me' that time??

well, today I just want to share some stories of what I had done yesterday..
When I was in the middle of cleaning, arranging the book here and there...,
suddenly I found something that really brought me back to my past.

I opened the first page (the first diary), and I read it...
"Huh?! What was I thinking that time??"
next page,
"OMG! what kind of diary is this~~!!"

and so on...

In the end, I just laughed and laughed and laughed!!
because the reality is, the on who wrote 'that kind of expression straight from the heart'...
no one else except me!!
It was my writing! My imagination! My 'over-aware' of whatever happened around me!
My grammar was so bad! My writing expression was so weird! My way of writing was much more annoying!!!


However, Whatever I say right now, it's all base from what I had gone through...
Eventhough my life just the beginning..but still, I believes, everything I go through all this along...for 16 years...
I believes it will be able to take me high enough so that I can achieve my dream..

that's the end of my story..
what else to say now?
tomorrow is the holiday (for Malaysian),
I have to iron the clothes this evening..
I'm waiting for the download to finish...,
I'm waiting the day from the last sport delay...,
and of course....I haven't finish my Bio's report yet!!

until than,
Ijyou, Dani deshita!!

*this coming Wednesday...can I do it properly? Or, will I be called for this..?*
*"kepenatan..." *

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