Thursday, November 10, 2011

Will it be a 'success' ?

Right now...I'm in dilemma!
What should I do!!??

Here I say, that I am the handler (AJK) for the a.k.a telematch,
and I was told that I'm the one who can decide the games, the group and the schedule for it.
And, of course, I have some assistants with me!

Today, we (finally!) got to pinpoint the games that are SET to be played next Thursday !!
I really can't wait for it (because this is a rare chance for me to handle this kind of thing!)

But, at the class this morning (with a bit poor presence of classmates), we revealed the members for each group (there will be 5 group) for those who were present today...
and as we expected, there WILL BE girls who come and ask for their exchange to the other group.

For the AJK, we already decided that the arranging of the members for each group is the final!
-because we choose it randomly (well, you can say so...)
-because the election for the members were based by their compatibility because we (35 students) will be in the same class next year (Insha-Allah...), so in order to reduce some of the awkwardness between classmates, that is the main objective of it !!!


They just know to do the easy things; things that 'there will be other people that will do for them'!!
What is...!!


OK! OK! Chill out!
There is no use getting mad, because, WE HAVE SAID IT CLEARLY THAT WAS THE FINAL !!
No change or withdraw or whatever!!

So, the problems is right now, the materials needed for the telematch.
But, that is easy thing because we planned the easy but enjoyable + 'cheap material' games!!

Will be busy (eventhough the holiday is coming near me..), but I'll try my best!!
Pray for me!! Amin...

Sore dewa, sayonara~~

*Will try to post [Meikyuu Love Song] lyric here..*
*Saikou da~~~*

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